… it was today again

Posts tagged “justine

Hewitt Road

Last days of summer.


Hewitt Road

I can see this little life is coming to an end. Deep breaths.



Hewitt Road



Hewitt Road


Hewitt Road

And then a day like today you get nothing. No shadow, no movement, no wind against your face. No sounds, really.

You have to do all the work yourself.

And I quite like these cocoon days.


Hewitt Road

The more I photograph this scene the more that’s exactly what it becomes: act 2, scene 3… optimism fills the household as the sun pushes across the neighbouring roof tops, finding its way into dark fungal corners; act 1, scene 2… Mary’s dream sequence – a dramatic but unstable sky dominates, while a rainbow hangs, delicate but consistent. And so on.

I’d like to see this play. Or maybe then again…



Hewitt Road

Touch of the sub tropical in Haringey today.

Yuccas have no problems in these protected strip farm gardens.


Hewitt Road

Sounds silly but this really only could be London. Ok, maybe England, but I think honestly only London. Coming from southern California, one should really be a ‘perfect weather’ expert. So when the sun clicks in here, at such a northerly latitude, and with that incredible fresh breeze sliding underneath, I don’t think it gets any better. So that’s why we spend all our time waiting for it, and obsessing over it – this rare, rich delicacy.

It’s good to be back. In many ways.


East Foreshore

Slightly sultry today but perhaps enough of a bluster for a quick trip out on the Boston Lady.

Meanwhile, Olympics are officially underway. We caught a bit of the opening ceremony


Louise White House

Just back in time for ‘that day’ and this year it’s especially good to be with the Frantzis’ before during and after.

And of course you can’t beat Ryanair to get you there…


Louise White House

Home after a high speed trip back to Munich airport.

When Christian the umbrella man asked if I was ok with him driving a little faster and told me that he’d never had an accident and that I could let him know if I was at all uncomfortable, at any time, I knew to pull a calm face.

At 200kph you cover 1km in roughly 18 seconds.

But is this really a good idea? Although there are more road deaths on the autobahns that don’t have speed limits than the ones that do, Germany doesn’t seem to be that much more lethal for driving than the safest EU countries (Switzerland, Denmark, Holland, GB). Main thing seems to be don’t drive in Hungary. Or Slovenia. (Or Spain or Portugal)




Louise White House, EZY5381

Wo ist der flughafen?

Ok here it is.

Had a little sleep break just long enough to experience Gatwick’s new security check-in system. Take a look at this, La Guardia.

Anyway, seems rather appropriate that I’ve come to look at umbrellas.





Louise White House

Had to do a triple take on waking but it really is good to be back at my home from home with Adam and Justine.

But I’ll have to hand it over soon. Rites of passage and all that.

Anyway, here today, Ulm tomorrow


Louise White House

My eyes were weird. I think they were still sleeping. I hadn’t seen Adam or Justine all week for coming in late and leaving early, or not making it at all, so it was good to have one last chat before taking off. They have been such good friends by letting me stay over and over. Adam will be going to Wrabness on Thursday to help DC sail the Boston Lady up to the marina for the winter. Wish I could have gone myself.

Louise White House

When I woke up I seemed to be in the office again…

Louise White House


Louise White House

Same again. Perhaps you don’t really need much sleep.

Louise White House

I only just had time to sleep before I woke up.

Louise White House

When I woke up today I realised I didn’t have my running shoes so it would have to be back to the tube.

But when the Underground works it is a brilliant system. I missed one train and had to wait a whole minute for the next.

And all this by 8.30 on a Sunday morning.

Louise White House

I’m enjoying this running business. Today I woke up and ran straight to Richard and Jo’s for tea and a marmite crumpet on the way to work. The twins were in full swing but Nathan was still upstairs preparing for his first dentist’s appointment.

Louise White House

When I woke up today I ran straight off to Camden. When I arrived at work two of the guys were still going from last night. It will be another long day. Arriving late, leaving early I’m not seeing Adam and Justine at all. Last night we met the neighbours at Bouverie Mews which had no surprises but also was not quite as vociferous as we had planned for.

Louise White House

It’s raining but I’ll run to Camden. I’m feeling a bit ‘off’ the tube after Monday’s experience. Plus I’m not getting any exercise.

Louise White House

London is a strange town. Like most places, a bit of sun helps here and there I suppose. Yesterday was the tube strike which I hadn’t prepared for. Immense traffic all over and the few trains operating had people pushed right up to the windows. It always seems odd that the Brits and their overactive protective space bubbles will climb into an enclosed carriage groin-to-thigh-to-backside without obvious distress or complaint. ‘Needs must’…

Louise White House

Hmmm. Not sure where today is going. Doesn’t seem to have been many hours since it was today yesterday.